Hello in the fuzzzapp app, which will show you popular inversions for various types of chords! 🤓 Remember that it is still in development, and we are constantly improving its ability to correctly detect hand positions, so don't get discouraged if you practice, and it doesn't always show the expected result. Treat it as an additional form of fun during your exercises. 🤩 At the same time, fuzzzapp.com does not collect any information while you use it. Have fun! 🤙

01. Major Seven - from the E string

The first chord we will practice together with Fuzzer in our application is Major Seven. The chord consists of: the root (1), major third (3), perfect fifth (5), and major seventh (7). You can see the chord diagrams and compare them with the chord detector using the camera. 😊 It doesn't matter where you start on the fretboard, the chord shape will always be the same. For example, for C Major Seven, the root (number 1 in the diagrams) in the first shape will be on the 8th fret of the low E string. The major third will be on the 12th fret, the perfect fifth on the 3rd fret, and the major seventh on the 7th fret. Lessons related to intervals and chord construction can be found in the Chords Lessons section! Let's go! 🤖

root chord

chord drop

chord shape from 3rd

chord drop

shape from 5th

chord drop

shape from 7th

chord drop
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