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it's more than play

Fuzzzapp is a place dedicated to all music fans, especially guitar enthusiasts! Everything is designed to help with creation, learning, finding the perfect sound, and above all, to derive even more pleasure from playing our instruments!

01. About

Hello! I'm Bart, Welcome to the World of Fuzzzapp! The place for all music lovers!

Now, a few words about why and where you actually found yourself. Fuzzzapp was born out of a desire to explore the guitar world in a simple and enjoyable way. My goal was to bring guitar content closer to you, while also creating tools that I myself need and have fun with.

Therefore, while creating this website, I placed an emphasis on ensuring that you, like me, feel the pleasure and freedom when using what you'll find here! To start, I invite you to explore our blog and vlog, which are the essence of Fuzzzapp's musings and a carrier of good guitar news in the world!

02. Chordzapp

Chordzapp is the first group of Fuzzzapp applications designed to introduce (not only) guitarists to the topic of chords. Be sure to check out the lessons and discover how you can use our tools for your needs!

03. Newsletter

Additional materials, updates and changes in applications, training, merch, and interesting articles!

You'll learn about all of this from our newsletter. Thanks to it, you'll stay up to date and make use of materials and applications that interest you:

04. Music

It's all about the Music! Fuzzzapp was born out of a passion for playing and creating!

The whole topic of equipment and practice ultimately culminates in what we come up with and how we record our ideas. That's why I would like to invite you to listen to the sounds from my hands! I would be very pleased if you take a moment to listen to our Music. Thank you, and enjoy!
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